Hey there - We'd like to update you on our progress in the studio, remind you about some special shows here. We've been juggling a lot of behind the scenes stuff and we are past due for an update!
First! Dylan and I hit the road this month. We kick things off in Livonia, MI for our first show at the Trinity House Theater on May 6th. Katelynn Corll will be opening with a set. If you haven't gotten a ticket, do it today and help us start this tour right! $20 a ticket to fill our tank.
Also on the front end of our tour, if you are driving distance of Springfield, IL please join us at the Backroom Lounge. This venue has nurtured some very recent platinum selling songwriters and its always a pleasure to play here. Please see our tour date listings on the website, visit our facebook page or bandsintown. We will be traveling to Arizona and back this month and hope to see you. https://www.bandsintown.com/a/11270663-jennifer-westwood-and-the-handsome-devils

We've pared back our tour schedule and local performances quite a bit this year. Being fully DIY, the tasks of managing, booking, promoting, advancing shows are not easy to manage under any circumstances but while recording and trying to asses and plan how best to move forward, those tasks have to take precedent in order for us to get the horse in front of the cart. We are looking at ways to work smarter, not harder...And we want to make each show count for us, and those attending.
What's been happening in the studio? Well, we have one album being mixed while we are on the road this month. Horns and backing vocals are still being mixed. In addition I am thrilled with a huge amount of progress on 2 other albums and excited about how they are shaping up. I love the songs <3. The goal has been to get moving on multiple projects so we have them in the stockpile. Recording locally has allowed us to spread the cost out vs traveling, arranging lodging and all the other expenses along with studio time, engineering etc. The studio has been generous in helping us control costs. But doing things this way also requires us to spend more time at home. The nice thing is we have a place to stay here as well as the world class musicians. Our team of friends has not just done their time in the studio, they have contributed with sincerity and passion. And they have performed and recorded with Grammy winning artists. I couldn't travel to Nashville, NY or anywhere and find more qualified musicians.
Reviewing vocal takes - always dressed in comfy clothes in the studio

Believe me, I would love nothing more than to spend 24/7 in the studio with ALL our musicians. And we have certainly reached a great stride - our last day with the band (bass, drums, guitar and me) we tracked 4 songs in under 3 hours (for those interested, that doesn't mean the song is finished. Overdubs of finished vocals, backing vocals, horns, other instrumentation comes later, then mixing and mastering). This is the way we have managed our resources, finances and time. And as mom used to say, "a workman is worthy of their hire". We aren't asking musicians to work for free - it is their livelihood, they feed their families with their talent.
With that being said, If we are coming to your area, we would love to see you. I am itching to get out and have the opportunity to make music for people. Its hard on me not performing regularly. You get used to moments with others, and the satisfaction of presenting your art in person. And wow, do I long for those wide open spaces. I wish we could be on the road for a few months right now and take a studio with us!

Quality over Quantity - We've made some major changes over the last couple years on what we do especially in our home market. If we are asking our people to come support us, we want it to be in an environment we know they are going to love and offer something special. Thanks for those who came out to our Detroit Sounds event (there will be another) and our monthly weeknight music series we have christened Mid-Week Service.
Mid-Week service is inspired from my religions upbringing, without the hell fire and brimstone - good music from local and touring acts, good times and maybe a little gospel because I wanna and I believe its something everyone who wants to should be able to enjoy no matter what their religious or non-religious leanings. Its all about getting together and being a part of something.
June 7th Mid Week Service will feature one of the most charming and talented comedians and songwriters on the planet - Heywood Banks as well as local Roots Rock songwriters Dirk Kroll and Marci Feldman. Dylan will be doing his thing, pickin' on the guitar behind Heywood like our last event. I promise, you will wish you could attend mid-week service every week, and I promise, your ticket purchase will not be going to my Mercedes Benz. Tickets here: https://app.gopassage.com/events/mid-week-service-at-valentine-distilling

Also coming - We will have 2 shows with the band in June! The Whitney on June 22nd: Tickets here: https://www.accelevents.com/e/the-garden-party--2023
If you have trouble with the ticket link, please contact the Whitney at (313) 832-5700
June 17th we have a live recording at BLUEStage - if you are in the Ann Arbor or Jackson area, we want you for this special event. Tickets include an opportunity to get the first single off our next album with your purchase. This show is June 17th, our Single Release is July 12th. Watch this space for more, but in the meantime, definitely come out to this event on June 17th to be in the audience during a live video/audio taping. VIP available.
Tickets: https://bluestagejams.com
Later that weekend we will be in New York for a couple dates with the band. You know I love NY and you were instrumental in keeping Dylan and I going through covid so we have a lot of thank you's to fit in. Please stay tuned for more info!
The Detroit Sound Showcase

Spring Music Scene Mixer - Some of you may know that during covid we raised close to $30,000 for local musicians and industry workers. When the money started rolling in more than anticipated we partnered with Passenger Recovery, a non-profit based in Detroit that helps touring musicians in recovery. We spun that off into quarterly music scene mixers for behind the scenes industry pros, musicians and fans to socialize, collaborate and learn about resources available to them. Our spring mixer was the biggest yet and so many great connections were made, we look forward to taking the next steps to make this super special. It is satisfying to have an outlet to work with others to create something positive while spending time at home.

I have much more to fill you in on and really look forward to sharing more. For one, Dylan just finished a novel, how the heck are we making this all work, my office is a disaster and much more....see you on the road and thank you for all your love and support!